Email Marketing
“The Rockhopper” Monthly Email Newsletter
Rockhopper penguins are highly sociable animals, nearly always seen in colonies. In fact, the rockhopper penguin is often regarded for being the most aggressive and most numerous penguin species in the world. Be aggressive with your sphere of influence using our regular email marketing campaigns.
This diverse “enewsletter” option is designed to promote you and your listings, feature a market report introduction and include article excerpts on a diverse range of current and interesting real estate topics that cater to a large audience.
We automatically assemble this for you every month and send it to you for proofing. There’s no need to remember to request or build it every month. We take care of everything from building it, to incorporating your revisions to delivering an engagement report on how well the campaign performed. You will always have the final say on what goes out and when, we take care of everything else.
The Rockhopper eNewsletter Includes
Engagement Tracking & Analytics
Fully Customized Branding
Up to 499 Contacts *
Hassle Free Production (We do everything)
Unlimited, Personal Support
Diverse News & Tips Articles
Local News & Events (If available)
Brand News (If available)
Real Estate Market Report
Exclusive Listing Showcase
Proofing & Revision Opportunity
Social Media Syndication (If available)
Starting at $189/month
* Accounts that exceed 500 active subscribers come with a small additional fee. Contact us for more details.
“Mike has been helping me write a monthly newsletter for the past three years. My mailing list includes current and past clients and people who I know well. A past client who I had lost touch with contacted me after following my newsletter closely and remarking that she looked forward to its arrival every month. The result? A $1.7M sale. She had forgotten how we knew each other but she remembered me by the quality of my newsletter. A true testament to the work and knowledge of Mike and his team!”
-Heather S.
Other Email Campaign Options
Single Message Email
Our single message email campaign is ideal for keeping mind share with your sphere of influence and fostering repeat business and referrals. This can be great for when a listing needs a little extra push or perhaps your business has a particular announcement that needs to be shared. It includes one article as needed designed to keep your clients engaged with your message, with calls to action to contact you should they decide they’re ready to enter the market place.
Single Message Email Features
Engagement Tracking & Analytics
Fully Customized Branding
Up to 500 Contacts *
Hassle Free Production With Proofing
Starting at $49 each
* Accounts that exceed 500 active subscribers come with a small additional fee. Contact us for more details.