9 Ways to Enhance Your Blogs

Blogging is an excellent way to continuously add fresh content to your website. Your articles can keep visitors engaged, coming back for more updates and can also help in terms of driving traffic to your site. For some helpful blogging tips, we have compiled some pointers here as you start to grow your own.

Engage With Your Audience
Some blogs feature the option to leave comments by the reader. Taking these comments into consideration and engaging with these readers can help build a relationship with them as you nurture some potential leads.

Content That Resonates
This dovetails to engaging with your audience. As you communicate with them see what topics or information they find to be valuable and cater to these needs. Focus on topics that are informative but be sure to explain “why” they are helpful or noteworthy. Explaining this can add value to your posts and leave a more lasting impression.

Appeal to Emotions
Getting great website traffic is good, but quality is better than quantity. Focus on the kinds of posts that will appeal to your visitor’s emotions. Aside from good information add in photography or even video as you trigger more senses.

Evergreen Content
Writing about news is great as you disseminate information about what is going on now, but covering “evergreen” topics that could be of interest now or 6 months or 12 months from now are just as valuable. For example covering what interest rates are now is valuable as that is what readers want to know today. On the other hand writing about something like the top ways you want to prepare your home for the winter season will be helpful every year.

Maintain Archives
Things change over time so it is a good course of action to audit your older posts. Check for topics that may have gone stale to the point that it may be embarrassing. Also, as time goes on other sites that you link to may now have broken links. Address these items and keep them accurate. For anything that is evergreen this exercise won’t be a waste of time as you can even re-share them if pertinent!


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